Service Level Agreement

This agreement documents the terms of service for web accounts and other services provided by Sodali & Co to the customer.

Web accounts

  1. The customer is responsible for the actions of itself and account users.
  2. Any use by the customer that interferes with the server's ability to function inits primary purpose of publishing web documents is prohibited.
  3. Mail abuse (including, but not limited to, mass mailing unsolicited email and email forgery) and usenet news abuse (including, but not limited to, mass cross-posting articles and posting unrelated to group topics), whether director indirect, whether used externally to promote a site at Sodali & Co orsent via Sodali & Co, is prohibited.
  4. Use of Sodali & Co's facilities to provide software or lists for mass mailing unsolicited email is prohibited.
  5. Use of Sodali & Co's facilities to commit network abuse (including, but not limited to, denial of service attacks) or otherwise compromise the security of hosts or networks is prohibited.
  6. All data stored or transmitted must be legal under all applicable Australian laws.The customer is solely responsible for determining the legality of their data that is stored or transmitted.
  7. Should the customer become the target of a network attack, Sodali & Co reserves the right to take any necessary actions (including, but not limited to, temporary suspension of the customer's account) required to return server or network operation to normal.
  8. Sodali & Co will use its best efforts to maintain, but does not guarantee, the privacy of email, network use, and the contents of user directories.
  9. Use of Sodali & Co services, including the storage of information, is at the customer's sole risk. Sodali & Co does not warrant either the results to be obtained from the service or that the service will be uninterrupted or error free. Except as may be provided otherwise by law, Sodali & Co's services are provided on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. Neither Sodali & Co nor anyone else involved in creating, producing, or delivering Sodali & Co services shall be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of the use of Sodali & Co, the inability to use Sodali & Co, or any breach of any warranty. In any event, where permitted by law, any liability of Sodali& Co shall be limited, in the case of services, to supplying the services again, or in the case of goods, by resupplying the same or similar good. The provisions of this paragraph will survive termination of this agreement.
  10. The customer will indemnify and hold harmless Sodali & Co against any loss, damage, cost and expense which Sodali & Co may incur or become liable for by reason of claims or actions for libel, violation of privacy rights, plagiarism, copyright infringement, trademark or trade name infringement, domain name disputes, and claims arising in connection with data transmitted pursuant to the terms and provisions of this agreement and any claims or suits resulting from the customer's use of the service including, without limitation, the expense and cost of defending any and all such claims and actions, except where such claims result solely from the negligence of Sodali & Co's failure to perform its obligations under this agreement. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive termination of this agreement.
  11. The customer will indemnify and hold harmless Sodali & Co against any loss, damage, cost and expense which Sodali & Co may incur or become liable forby reason of claims or actions for libel, violation of privacy rights, plagiarism, copyright infringement, trademark or trade name infringement, domain name disputes, and claims arising in connection with data transmitted pursuant to the terms and provisions of this agreement and any claims or suits resulting from the customer's use of the service including, without limitation, the expense and cost of defending any and all such claims and actions, except where such claims result solely from the negligence of Sodali & Co's failure to perform its obligations under this agreement. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive termination of this agreement.
  12. If Sodali & Co is informed of an alleged copyright or trademark infringement involving an account, Sodali & Co will attempt to notify the customer of those allegations and secure a response. Sodali & Co may, in its sole discretion, remove or terminate the account containing, on a temporary or permanent basis, materials that Sodali & Co believes may create, constitute, or contribute to copyright or trademark infringements. The customer expressly waives the right to assert any claims against Sodali & Co for any such removal or termination. To inform Sodali & Co of a possible infringement please send an email to
  13. Accounts are invoiced according to the agreed schedule in the quote and/or first invoice. Payment is due when invoiced, with an overdue date specified in the invoice. Overdue accounts may be terminated or suspended at Sodali & Co's discretion. Sodali & Co reserves the right to issue special invoices when the balance due will be more than $200 over the base monthly service fee.
  14. Sodali & Co may terminate service to the subscriber at any time, without notice, for violation of this agreement. Sodali & Co will not be liable for any damages or harm to the customer resulting from such termination.
  15. The customer may terminate their account at any time. The request to terminate the account must be in writing. The customer may send a cancellation request via an email message to or by.
  16. Use of a Sodali & Co account indicates acceptance of the terms of this agreement by the customer.

Other services

  1. Sodali & Co may provide other services to the Customer. These may include, but are not limited to, design of websites, other design services, writing of software, the use of Sodali & Co's software and the registration of domain names.
  2. Except as provided otherwise in writing, in every instance where Sodali & Co provides design services, or writes software copyright in the design or the software remains with Sodali & Co and any fee paid is for a licence to use, terminable at will.
  3. Except as provided otherwise in writing, in every instance where Sodali & Co permits the use of Sodali & Co software, any fee paid is for a licence to use, terminable at will, and no proprietary interest in any IP right is transferred to Customer.
  4. Sodali& Co may assist, or provide facilities that permit, a Customer to register a domain name. In every case, Customer agrees and undertakes that it will indemnify and hold harmless Sodali & Co from any an all risks that might arise from the failure of the assistance, or the use of the facilities, to work as intended, or at all. In particular, the Customer agrees and accepts that any domain registration process is subject to the terms and conditions, however described, of the domain registrar and its authorised representatives, and any breach of these is likely to have serious consequences. It is the sole obligation of Customer to become aware of the terms and conditions regarding any domain name.
  5. Customer agrees that it has the sole obligation to ensure that any fees for the registration of a domain, or the renewal of a domain, are paid in due time. In particular, Customer agrees that any notice of payment due issued by Sodali & Co, or lack of same, does not, in any way, alter the obligation of Customer to respond to any notices or pay any fees by the due date. Customer agrees and undertakes that it will indemnify and hold harmless Sodali & Co from any losses incurred a result of a failure to register, or renew registration, of a domain name.
  6. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of NewSouth Wales, Australia. This agreement contains the full understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. Any email or other correspondence with the customer, or any other document that is created by or sent by the Customer to Sodali & Co which is in any way inconsistent with this agreement, or which imposes additional obligations upon Sodali & Co is null and void.

Acceptable use policy

All Sodali & Co co-locations, dedicated servers, or other internet connection customers are bound by the following Acceptable Use Policy. This document may be updated from time to time without further notice to the Customer. Please consult this site periodically for the most recent revision of this document.

No Customer shall:

  1. Do anything illegal or anything that adversely affects Sodali & Co's legal interests. The following list is non-exclusive, and should not be considered license to commit other illegal activities not specified below. All illegal activity is prohibited, and Sodali & Co will cooperate fully with any law enforcement officials and/or agencies investigating and/or prosecuting such activities.
  2. Cracking/Hacking – attempts to access accounts or systems other than the user’s own accounts or systems or an account or system that the user has been explicitly authorised to access is illegal under federal and state law.
  3. Child pornography – as defined by law. This is strictly prohibited and dealt with quickly and harshly. Be warned that Australian laws in this area have extraterritorial reach.
  4. Gambling – Unlawful gambling activities.
  5. Pyramid schemes, fraudulent activities and phishing – any activities that are unlawful according to the laws of a State or Territory.
  6. Unlawful access to services – attempts to utilise services that are not contracted for is considered theft and will be dealt with as such.
  7. Harassment– use of Sodali & Co's network to harass or threaten (in the legal sense of those terms), any other person.
  8. Incitement of others – use of Sodali & Co's network to unlawfully harass, threaten or vilify others. Customers should seek advice from a legal practitioner if they have doubts about the legality of any activity that they undertake.
  9. Do anything that threatens the integrity of Sodali & Co's network or the utilisation of it by other persons.
  10. Denial of Service (DOS) attacks – no customer will commit, or permit, a DOS attack against any Sodali & Co host, or any other host on the Internet. Similarly, no Sodali & Co customer will knowingly or negligently allow incitement of others to attack any host on the Internet.
  11. Blacklists – No customer shall do anything that could get any portion of Sodali & Co'sIP space (or the address space of a Sodali & Co Customer) put on blacklists such the RBL (Realtime Black List) as maintained by MAPS ( or other similar organisations, or perform activities that would cause portions of the Internet to block mail or refuse to route traffic to any portion of Sodali & Co's IP space (or the address space of a Sodali &Co Customer).
  12. Without the prior agreement in writing of Sodali & Co, perform actions that cause unusual load on Sodali & Co servers (for example, mail servers, web servers, usenet servers, name servers, etc.) that cause slowness or denial of service to other Sodali & Co customers.
  13. Do anything that threatens the Internet or any other network.
  14. No customer shall take actions, whether intended or not, that cause any portion of the Internet, or the Internet as a whole, to become unusable to any other portion of the Internet, or the Internet as a whole.
  15. No customer shall take actions, whether intended or not, that degrade the usefulness of the Internet, or any portion of the Internet, either through network degradation, flooding of usenet or email or so on.
  16. Spam – No customer shall send unsolicited commercial email, unsolicited mass mailings, spam or flood usenet newsgroups, or anything of that sort. If you have questions about what is allowed and what is not, please refer to[], and/or email for clarification.
  17. Mail abuse (including, but not limited to, mass mailing unsolicited email and email forgery) and usenet news abuse (including, but not limited to, mass cross-posting articles and posting unrelated to group topics), whether director indirect, whether used externally to promote a site in Sodali & Co IP space or sent across the Sodali & Co network, is prohibited.
  18. No spam may originate from Sodali & Co IP space.
  19. No spam may advertise sites or services located on Sodali & Co IP space (even if the spam originates elsewhere).
  20. No Sodali & Co Customer shall use third party mail servers to relay spam. This is considered a DOS attack on the third party and will be treated as such.
  21. No Customer shall participate in pyramid schemes, email chain letters and the like.
  22. A customer shall not use Sodali & Co's facilities to provide software or lists for mass mailing or unsolicited email.

Furthermore, all Sodali & Co Customers must:

  1. Maintain the following email addresses and respond promptly to all email sent to these addresses:
  2. Maintain and enforce on their clients an AUP similar in scope and intent to this document.
  3. Maintain a policy requiring proper "From" and/or "Reply-To" headers for email and usenet postings.
  4. Maintain proper security on their mail server, to prevent the mail server from being used as a "spam amplifier" by third parties. Servers must restrict "email relaying." (Not applicable to customers who do not maintain a mail server.)

Sodali & Co reserves the right to terminate or interrupt any account in part or in full without refund for violation of this Acceptable Use Policy. In all but the most extreme or serious cases, good faith attempts will be made to resolve an issue without interruption of service. In cases where service has been terminated or interrupted, resolution will be handled on an individual case basis, at Sodali& Co's sole discretion.

For further explanation of any portion this document, and the terms set herein, or to determine whether your intended activities are permissible under the terms of this document, contact us at

Changing Info

We strongly recommend that you limit the access to your password as much as possible. If possible do not disclose your password to anyone. Should someone with access to your password wish, all of your account information can be changed. You will be held liable for any activity that may occur as a result ofyou losing your password. Therefore, if you feel that your password has beencompromised, you should immediately contact Sodali & Co to rectify the situation.


By using our hosting service, you approve of the collection and use of your information by Sodali& Co. Sodali & Co’s privacy policy can be found at

If at any time, we change our privacy policy, we will post those changes at


Sodali & Co offers itswebsite, hosting service and its contents for Sodali & Co's clients, VARs,potential clients, and potential VARs. The information within the Sodali &Co website is provided to simplify the communication of products and servicesprovided by Sodali & Co. Any use of such material not in accordance withits intended purpose is prohibited.

The information provided isto the best of our knowledge "the most correct information available atthe time." Sodali & Co is held not liable for all faults and withoutwarranty of any kind. Sodali & Co is not responsible for any errors, nordoes it guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information.

Sodali & Co shall not be held liable for any damages, or any losses under any circumstances resulting from the use of information on the Sodali & Co website.


Sodali & Co will provide the web hosting services to you in accordance with the following Service Levels:

Service Criteria

Measurement and frequency of measurement

Target Service Level


SA = Uptime / (Total Time – Excused Downtime) x 100

Uptime means: the time (measured in minutes) in any month during which the Service is able to be used by the Customer as intended.

Total time means: the time (measured in minutes) in any month.

Excused Downtime means: the time (measured in minutes) in any month during which the Service is not available due to any of the following:

  1. circumstances beyond Sodali & Co’s reasonable control, including, without limitation, acts of any governmental body, war, insurrection, sabotage, act of terrorism, armed conflict, embargo, fire, flood, strike or other labour disturbance, interruption of or delay in transportation, unavailability of or interruption or delay in telecommunications or third party services, virus attacks or hackers, failure of third party software (including, without limitation, ecommerce software, payment gateways, chat, statistics, or free scripts) or inability to obtain raw materials, supplies, or power used in or equipment needed for provision of this SLA;
  2. failure of access circuits to the Sodali & Co’s network or upstream providers, unless such failure is caused solely by Sodali & Co;
  3. Planned, Urgent, or Emergency Maintenance Periods;
  4. DNS issues outside the direct control of Sodali & Co, including DNS propagation of DNS entries;
  5. the provision or use of domain names or SSL certificates;
  6. issues with FTP, POP, IMAP, or SMTP access;
  7. issues with access to any system Control Panel or Portal provided by Sodali & Co for the Customer to administer the system;
  8. false SLA breaches reported as a result of outages or errors of any of Sodali & Co′s measurement or monitoring systems;
  9. the restoration of data from backup;
  10. the Customer’s acts or omissions (or acts or omissions of others engaged or authorized by the Customer), including, without limitation, custom scripting or coding (e.g., CGI, Perl, HTML, ASP, etc.), any negligence, wilful misconduct, or use of the Sodali & Co Services in breach of the User Agreement;
  11. e-mail or webmail delivery and transmission; or
  12. outages elsewhere on the Internet that hinder or prevent access to the Customer’s Sodali & Co Services or account; or
  13. browser or DNS caching that may make the Sodali & Co Services inaccessible to the Customer when others can still access the Sodali & Co Service.
  14. Outages and other detrimental impacts of the following causes will be ignored when calculating the Customer’s Service Availability:
  15. Planned, Urgent, or Emergency Maintenance Periods;
  16. Denial of Service attacks, hacks, or other forms of third-party intrusion;
  17. Any Outage caused, or substantially caused, directly by the actions of the Customer;
  18. IP address blacklisting by third parties; and
  19. Outages or interruptions caused by the actions of third parties outside of Sodali & Co’s reasonable control.


Rebates for Service Level Failure

Service Availability Target Failure

Percentage of Monthly Service Charge credited

Less than 21 minutes per calendar month


21 minutes to less than 4 hours per calendar month (Availability < 99.95%)


4 hours or more per calendar month (Availability < 99.5%)
